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Represents a hidden analytic event of the earned badge modal analytic event.
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Represents show of the earned badge modal analytic event.
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class ProfileBadgeModalHiddenHyperskillAnalyticEvent(badgeKind: BadgeKind) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a hidden analytic event of the badge detailed modal in profile analytic event.
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Represents show of the badge detailed modal in profile analytic event.
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class ProfileClickedBadgeCardHyperskillAnalyticEvent(badgeKind: BadgeKind, isLocked: Boolean) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents click on the badge in profile analytic event.
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class ProfileClickedBadgesVisibilityButtonHyperskillAnalyticEvent(visibilityButton: ProfileFeature.Message.BadgesVisibilityButton) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents click on the showAll or showLess badges button in profile analytic event.